Cameron Mitchell

ミッチェル キャメロン

Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Cameron Mitchell, a programmer, educator, video producer and all-around retro enthusiast based in Osaka, Japan. Steelfinger Studios, is the name I use for producing video games in my spare time. I have a passion for 8-bit systems like the Sega Master System and Nintendo Game Boy, which is reflected in my projects. If you're interested in assembly language 8-bit programming, then take a look at my games portfolio!

However 8-bit games are far from my only passion. I've also spent a good amount of time both in front of and behind the camera. I have a youtube channel dedicated to mostly retro games, but have also been lucky enough to work on some unrelated video projects through my English teaching job here in Osaka. I've even been featured on TV Osaka! Feel free to browse my videos portfolio to get an idea of the kind of work I do.

Lastly my other interests include running, cycling, hiking, language learning, sailing, skateboarding, rock climbing and 80's Japanese pop music, known in the west as City Pop. If you wish to contact me, I can be found at

私のホームページを見てくれてありがとうございます。ミッチェルキャメロンと申します。プログラマー、 教師、ビデオプロヂューサーとレトロなことが好きな人です。今私の「Home」と言う場所は大阪です。 Steelfinger Studiosと言うのは自分のゲームを作る名前。一番好きな趣味は8ビットゲームを作ることです。 特にセガマークIIIとニンテンドーゲームボーイが大好きです。もしゲームのポートフォリオを見れば、 プロジェクトの中に私のパッションを見えます。興味があれば私のポートフォリオを見てくれてください。